So UTTT (Let’s just call me UT, keep it simple. Or Utty? That’s more charming I guess. I can be charming. Let’s be charming together) what kind of blog is this?
Should I be reading it in the kitchen while franticly going through my fridge to discover that I actually have zero of the ingredients your blog takes for granted when describing “8 fantastic meals you can make right now from things you have in your fridge, you will never believe number 5”?
Fuck this picture |
Or maybe I should be reading it when I am at the store to get some of those ingredients and discover that my bank balance does not approve of these purchases since even though I may be a grown up I budget like a 5-year-old (In short: “What do we want? Let’s get it until someone tells me to stop”).
Budgeting blogs are boring though, right? So useful and responsible. I should totally make one, in… a while. Not right now.
Maybe it’s a blog with pictures of semi-dressed attractive people and lewd writing? Well, I guess to a degree? The writing is fine, no problem. I’ll let you guys know if I find some attractive people. I rarely find them, obviously since I am so ridiculously attractive myself that my standards are really high.
Now you’re thinking this is a blog where I’ll be continuously lying to you and I can tell that you are indeed getting better at this guessing game because that is also somewhat true. Good job you!
Up until this point you were going about your day thinking you had actually done nothing of value this entire week, but I’m here to tell you that you are wrong. You are starting to understand this blog, together with me, and that’s fucking valuable. So yeah, let’s go with that. And feel free to suggest what we should talk about together, first thing coming up is breast cancer! Cause everybody loves that shit. (Yeah, I'll explain it later)
Feel free to comment your suggestions so I can ignore them and judge you while telling you that you are a valuable contributor to this blog (Hint: you’re not).
I could have worked more on this signature, but as with many things in my life I told myself "ehhhh good enough, sort of". |
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